Congratulations to all our club night winners from another successful and enjoyable club meeting on 14 September, held at modderfontein golf club. Our guest judge was Clifford Els from Southern Suburbs Camera Club.

5_PI_Overberg Moods_Clare Appleyard

5_NA_Got You_Ettienne van Niekerk

4_PI_Legal Student _Stephen Kangisser

3_PI_Caught in the light_Linda Carter

3_NA_Wild dog in the grass_Andrew Mayes

3_CP_Highveld winter wonderland_Debra Russell

4_NA_Wood Duck_Quentin Lemmer

1_PI_Giraffes on the march to water_John Hosking

2_PI_Passing the Gate_Brian Shaw

2_NA_Whispering Secrets_Brian Shaw

1_NA_Almost a stick in the eye_John Hosking

1_CP_The Green Door_Sonja Olivier