All photos for club night must be entered from the photovault website (

Once you have registered on the website and been added to the Edenvale photo club by one of the committee members, you’ll need to log in and browse to ‘My Clubs’-> ‘My Club Entries’ from the main menu. From the page that opens Select the Edenvale club, which should bring up a list of all the club meetings for the year. Click on the ‘Énter here’ option to the right of the club event you wish to enter photos for.

This will bring up the page from where you can upload all your photos, or select photos you have already added to your photovault account

To register for a photovault account, open the website and select the ‘Register’ menu option.

Enter all the required information and then click on the ‘Register’ button at the bottom of the page.

Once you are registered, log in using the username and password you enetered, and select the ‘My Clubs’ -> ‘Join a club’ menu option.

Search for the Edenvale club in the list that appears, and the click the ‘Request to join’ option

A committee member will then need to approve your request to join, and once that has been done you are free to start uploading photos.

Photos for club night can be resized using photo editing software, eg Photoshop.

The photo must be sized in such a way so that either the width of the photo is 1920 pixels, or the height is 1080 pixels, and the total size of the file does not exceed 2MBs

There are 2 criteria for getting promoted to a higher star rating in our club. The first one is to submit photos for judging at our bi-monthly club nights and accumulating a certain amount of Gold or Certificate-Of-Merit awards.

The second, which applies more to the higher star levels, is to also accumulate a certain amount of acceptances into the Salon competitions run, and endorsed by the Photographic Society of South Africa (PSSA)

To get promoted from 1 star to 2 star does not require any Salon acceptances, however the number of acceptances to get promoted to subsequent star ratings does increase on every level

PSSA Resources

The Photographic Society of South Africa is the officially recognised Body representing photographers in Southern Africa. It is the South African equivalent of the Photographic Society of America to whom it is affiliated. PSSA is an autonomous Society and through its affiliations affords members contact with the international affairs of photography.

PSSA aims to weld together the photographic and associated efforts of individuals and clubs into one strong unit.

The Society is recognised by Government through the Performing Arts Council. It is consulted on aspects affecting photography in South Africa as well as being able to negotiate protection and exemption for photographic clubs and members.

The Society monitors and censors images deemed unfit for public viewing.

PSSA provides medals to and participates in the organisation of National and International Photographic Salons.

Honours are bestowed and awards made by the Society. These titles and honours are respected throughout the world.

A Photographic Congress is staged each year in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting of the Society. This affords photographers a platform to meet fellow photographers and hear speakers who are recognised as leading authorities in their particular fields.

The Society is controlled by a Board of Directors elected by the members.

The day to day operations of the Society are carried out by an Executive Committee, which is responsible to the Board of Directors. The Society consists of a number of divisions, which are controlled by individual Chairmen who are also responsible to the Directors. They must provide a quarterly report to the Executive Committee and Directors.

PSSA publishes a magazine named IMAGE, which covers all aspects of the Society’s activities and photography in general.

Annually a directory is published containing the names and addresses of all members and member clubs, together with the Society’s Honours and Awards holders.

A copy of the Society’s Memorandum and Articles of Association is available on this website under About Us.

The process for joining the PSSA as an individual member can be found on their website by clicking here.

Three Individual Membership options

Ordinary Membership Option (South African)
This option is for individuals wanting to join the organisation

Entry Fee R180
Membership Fee R600
Total R780

Ordinary Membership Option (International)

Entry Fee R  280
Membership Fee R  915
Total R1195

Joint Ordinary Membership Option (South African)
Husband and wife can hold a joint membership and receive a discount on their membership fees

Entry Fee  R 300
Membership Fee  R 700
Total R1000

Joint Ordinary Membership Option (International)
Husband and wife can hold a joint membership and receive a discount on their membership fees

Entry Fee R   450
Membership Fee R1050
Total R1500

Junior Membership Option (South African)
Juniors (up to 19 years of age)

Membership Fee R150
Total R150